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PvE Revision 15 Launches!


Event details

All revs must end someday, and this one is no different. In preparation of a new map, the current revision will end on Friday February 20 at 7:00 PM EST. Don’t worry about your builds though; a final save of the map will be done shortly before the server is taken offline for final map prep, and revision 14 will then join the other previous maps at http://mcp-dl.com[1] for your downloading convenience. (You can find a link to this page in the sidebar as well, under Links.)

That being said, we are pleased to announce that revision 15 will come to PvE one hour later, at 8:00 PM EST!In addition to a new map, we’re preparing to roll out some other new things to break up some of the tedium, and we’re excited to share them with you in the coming days. Get pumped :D

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