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  3. Join the Sand Castle Build Contest! Participate by going to /warp WeeklyBuild Begins: Monday July 22nd Ends: Sunday August 4th There will be a public vote on the 5th where the winner will be decided. The winning build will be placed on Spawn City Beach in Spawn City. Rules: - Only Sand and all Sandstone blocks are allowed! - Teams are allowed - Multiple entries are allowed - Claim plots by using /nerdplot claim while standing in a plot. Happy Building!
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  5. I dont see how placing the camera half below the waterline would help to see the diamonds in any of the overworld screenshots i shared. Other players have already donated materials to avalon to rebuild the damage done by the rollback.
  6. The diamond mining was using pretty much the same strat as the netherite mining, I just found an underwater cave. I understand the ban, and most of the rollback too. Is it possible any rollbacks surrounding the Avalon claim go undone? They already kicked me out, and I doubt they will let me back in. I just don't want my idiocy to affect their town. Thank you for helping me gain an understanding of my wrongdoing, have a good day.
  7. Hello, Your nether mining wasn't what initially caught our attention; it was the large number of diamonds in the overworld you had mined. A keen eyed moderator did a quick check, as they would for any suspicously large number of edits, and raised it to the admins attention. Cheezy and I then found multiple examples of obvious xray, which you can see on the screenshots in this link https://imgur.com/a/iDcw8u0 While investigating this, we noticed you were online and teleported to you just as you entered the nether. Knowing what you were about to do we watched as you drank fire protect potions, jumped in the lava, and swam entirely under the surface straight to 4 netherite blocks. See evidence of this on the screenshots on this link https://imgur.com/a/mQE3I6g You were not half on the surface and half under the lava for the majority of your mining session, and even if you were, you should not have been able to see under the lava. See the image in this link for what you should be able to see when doing what you showed in your screenshot https://imgur.com/a/f5KBFcU I would also like to add that you had recieved a note after being warned about using exploits to traverse spawn. While this had no bearing on the ban descision, i feel that it is worth mentioning here. Using xray, exploits, or mods to gain an unfair advantage over other players is not allowed, and your screenshots clearly show your client has a function to disable fog to see under lava. The ban was not unjust, it was entirely deserved. The punishment is a 1 week ban, and all your edits have been rolled back, as per our xray policy. Please reply here 1 week from now confirming that you have read our rules to be unbanned.
  8. Yesterday, I had gotten killed by the wither and all my netherite gear blown up. While it was easy to get back to maxed diamond, I wanted netherite again. I had the idea of using the water clip (where you can see through waters overlay by having your camera at the right angle) with lava instead. I thought this would be ingenious, since nobody goes swimming through lava for netherite, giving me better chances of finding some, along with it not being exposed to air. Apparently, this is considered Xray, which I was completely unaware of. Now I would understand banning if I was using a mod or something to remove lava overlay, but I wasn't doing that. I feel that it is unfair that I not only get banned for a week, but a complete reset. Now mind you, I have 20ish hours of resources in my ender chest, along with a ton of super rare items from ancient cities and such, that may only be a couple copies on the server. Not only this, but this rev I have become part of Avalon, which I have built several things for and gave tons of items to, that are just going to be gone (I also built the south road). I feel like this ban is unjust and if what I was doing was harmful I would like to apologize. Client I was using: Labymod (Basically a quality of life client similar to Lunar Client or Badlion, mostly meant for PvP, but has a bunch of nice features similar to things like MultiMC) Screenshots of what I was doing: https://laby.net/post/9fb9bafe https://laby.net/post/0500934a
  9. You were trolling in chat, warned for using an auto spam click hack, and caught red handed flipping trap doors / fence gates & denying it. As this is your first offence the punishment is a 1 week ban. Please familiarise yourself with the rules at https://nerd.nu/rules/ and post here next week confirming this to be unbanned.
  10. Hello, Nerd.nu moderators. I was falsely accused of trolling. I've come to my senses, and I've recognized all my actions and I want to turn all my wrongs into rights.
  11. Many moons ago, the NerdNu server icons were created! To celebrate our re-acquisition of our NerdNu domain, we decided it was time to freshen up our icons with a server icon contest! It's time for a vote! Below are links to each of the submissions that were received. Please make your choice via the poll. marting11 AndyJF #1 Fluffhead555 AndyJF #2 Here were the rules for submission: You must have a NerdNu Forums account to submit your entry. You must submit a generic NerdNu icon as well as an icon for each server: Pve (P/PvE) Creative (C) Lobby (L) Please also give us examples for Chaos, Minigames, and Fundraiser (to possibly be used in the future - we love a matching set!) The icons must be 64x64 pixels and in PNG format If you have high resolution versions, that would be handy for use in other places (like the MC Servers list…) You are not required to include the NerdNu glasses logo to be consistent with our branding, but it would be nice as these logos will be seen outside of the log-on screens. Icons do not need to be identical but sets that match will receive higher marks. Icons MUST conform to community rules
  12. 1.) I left those communities a while ago and I was a bit younger so I didnt fully understand most of it. 2.) The Hyperborea meme is different from nazi ideology to my understanding. 3.) I haven't touched this server for more than a year, only came back about 2 days ago.
  13. I had recieved multiple reports of the language you had been using in chat, and the nature of the topics you had been discussing. This combined with the signs displaying the name of your town which were also neonazi dogwhistle terms & the previous warnings you had recieved over the last year is why you were banned. The fact that you even admit to being part of those communities in the past mean you know exactly what you were talking about. This is not the kind of behaviour we want or expect on our server. As this isnt your first ban for this, you will remain banned for at least the next 6 months. Please take this time to reflect on your language and choices, and if you feel ready to rejoin our community please re-appeal next year.
  14. BaconLover07

    Cave List

    To make a long story short, I enjoy building cave bases and colonising worlds. If anyone knows of caves with mineshafts / dungeons in them I'd like it if someone posted coords.
  15. I used to be in that kinda community when I was younger, but I've grown out of it and look back on it with shame.
  16. Hello, I would like to appeal my ban. I was banned for "Repeated Neo-Nazi References", I do not hold such beliefs. I admit some jokes about eating federal agents were a bit in bad taste. But the only instance I can think of for Nazi references was using the term "Gorillion" as a number. I wasn't aware that it referenced politics, I just thought it was a generic large number word people made up like squigillion in the Warhammer 40k community. I'll admit some of my humour was a bit dark, but I personally wouldn't call it Nazi humor. I try to be a friendly member of the community and help others when possible. I don't make jokes in bad faith, but I can see how you could mistake my jokes for being serious if you didn't know me all that well. I hope this finds you well.
  17. Hello AethXx, You were banned for using movement hacks after multiple warnings: Please review our server rules at https://nerd.nu/rules/. Once you confirm that you're read and understand the rules, you will be unbanned on June 25, 1 week after your initial ban date.
  18. I was banned for supposedly using fly/speed hacks. I've never used any hacks on this server. I would like a second chance to prove myself.
  19. Closing because player has been unbanned.
  20. Hello Xetrain i read it and took my time to read it carefully. Thank you
  21. Hello KiingJ I will be happy to unban you once you confirm you have re-read the rules here: https://nerd.nu/rules/#pve Thanks, XeTrain
  22. Hello Mumberthrax, It is good that you have taken the time to look inward and think about your actions in the past. Unfortunately, we have not changed our stance on your ban. Your comments and actions at the time were too egregious for us to be comfortable allowing you back. We wish you well, The Head Admins, defiex, pez252, & Fazaden.
  23. Hello Mumberthrax, Thank you for your patience. We will respond to your post in the next day or so, once we have a moment to discuss the situation between the head admins. -defiex
  24. This was not within Aethelstans claim, and was reported by another player. As I said, you will be unbanned on the 9th of June. Thanks
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