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Everything posted by sincerelyxblazed

  1. kkz thanks troop will do! and to mr. i can't be bothered to read the full thread, i highlighted some key aspects you may have missed.. please save the asshatery for people you encounter irl. To be quite frank, go swim in lava
  2. So i've spent a lil time in the forums reviewing other bans. First off, i did spend the time and read all the rules off the handbook ingame (when i initially enter the server!) Now most importantly is the "varying terms of punishment"... Some cases 2 months others 1 month... However, in the case of yuri_sevatzhe was unbanned less than 48 from the time of ban appeal (this may vary greatly with the actual actions which got him banned) hopefully i can get on the 48 hour deal, for as we both know i collected quite some treasures on my earlier adventure. I promise to never activate a player profile with malicious mods again with s.nerd.nu! (and affiliated servers pve c ) I have read the rulebook I appreciate the time you took to handle this appeal I enjoy the server ( && i have much work to be done && would love to get back to it)
  3. Hey, apologies! I'd love to be unbanned but if not, i do understand. cheers! && good catch
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