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Everything posted by DjDax2

  1. Hey. To be honest I'm a little confused, bad way to start an appeal I know. I just searched my minecraft name DjDax2 on google to see what would come up and I saw that I had a Fishbans profile. I clicked it and I saw I had been banned on this server I had never heard of and the reason: "avio fanboy lol. griefing buildings, rolled back his edits. Reddit wins again!" I'm not sure what that means exactly :/ but I couldn't in good conscience leave this on my record. So I searched up the server and made an account. I have no idea how long ago this ban was. My brother used to play minecraft servers on this account a long time ago so it could have been then, again the "my sibling did it" excuse, not good for an appeal :/ So I will go ahead and sincerely apologize for whatever rule was broken, looks like griefing but really confused about the whole avio fanboy reddit thing :/ I'm honestly very embarrassed this happened and I hope the slate can be wiped clean. Thanks for reading.
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