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  1. I have read and agree to the rules. The ones that my actions would have violated are: Universal - Don't be a dick Universal - No griefing, including but not limited to: Destroying blocks placed by other players. Placing blocks or leaving inappropriate signs on other player’s structures. Flooding structures. Spamming items. Destroying crops without replanting. I do however, ask for clarification on one point: PvE - Structures - Don't build very close to other players' structures; be sure to leave some space. Buildings that violate this rule may be moved to a new location without warning. What would determine enough space? 1 block? 5 blocks? While I agree to this rule, I feel it could be added to in order to remove ambiguity.
  2. I am afraid I still do not remember this. Thank you for posting this information though. It looks incredibly infuriating, especially the one with lava. This does not seem like me, but again, you have proof and I have no explanation whatsoever.
  3. Hello, I, Protoxyn, find myself banned from your PvE server. The message given to me in regards to logging in is: "Banned: rail grief on P nerd.nu/appeal" I have not played on a server in months, and I do not remember the event or events that led to this ban. I do apologize if in fact the griefing was done by me personally, but I cannot remember what happened. Would you kindly provide me with a summary of what happened, and what date it took place on please?
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