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Everything posted by HerobrineRocks121212

  1. And SCP-106 from is SCP Wiki File is my Profile picture.
  2. SCP Containment breach is a Horror Survival Game. The entire SCP Series has 3 games. 2 based on the same SCP, 1 Based on many, SCP-087-B is 2. And SCP Containment breach is 1. The goal is too escape the base with Keter level objects roaming free. (Keter=Extremely dangerous. Will kill every living human on sight. Or attempt.) And some Euclid. (Euclid=Keter but must interact with in order too be attacked.) Some of the following for SCP Containment BReach: 008 "Zombie Plague" (Sends something up and a dialog box will say "Something has flew up and has cut my arm." Then you're vision will slowly start turning red. And then Die. 106 "The old man." This is a Main SCP Monster in the game. He can slowly Mold (Emerge) into walls and come out of the other side. Leaving a mold Path. 173 "The Sculpture" The main SCP in the game. The main SCP of the game. He is Euclid. He must be kept in a complete line of sight. (That includes blinking.) He attacks at the base of the neck. He is Extremely hostile. But he is not Keter because he must be looked at. 106 Is Keter because he attacks straight on in the "Mat. Tunnels." His Theme is "Bump in the night." Check it out sometime. It's a free Survival Horror http://scpcbgame.com/
  3. Post our name on comments in this if you have beat SCP Containment breach. And for Bronies. There is a Pony Version of SCP Containment Breach. Put your Gate ending and what happens so you don't fake. _______________________________________________________ SIO I KNOW YOU BEAT MLF CIM (My little foundation.) (Containment is Magic.) (Brony SCP) Put a (NATIONAL ARMY OF BRONIES) in front of your message so I know it.
  4. No griefing, including but not limited to: Destroying blocks placed by other players. Placing blocks or leaving inappropriate signs on other player’s structures. Flooding structures. Spamming items. Destroying crops without replanting. Note that this rule is not applicable on the chaos server.
  5. Welcome to North Koriea, our laws are very different. If we see you smuggling drugs. WE STAB YOU! *Stabs you* WE WHIP YOU! *Whips* WE PEE ON YOU DOING GANGNAM STYLE* *Pee's on doing Gangnam Style." Have a nice Trip.

  6. Hey guy's! It's the 15th where I am and since this new Forum update. (Which I love.) It has deleted my last appeal.
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