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  1. I broke the rule against x-raying, and will most definitely not be doing that again. I have read the rules and give my word I will not break them again.
  2. Requesting a review of my ban. Thank you.
  3. Fair enough, thank you for your time.
  4. Alright that's fair. Can I ask about reverting the rollback to the "dontera" edits in our build area only? If you do revert, then the others can continue with the build as planned, otherwise the whole thing is scrapped and no one will want to play. Any mercy you can bestow would be greatly appreciated.
  5. There are 5 people in one house who were playing on this server, that would explain the multiple logins.
  6. Okay yes, there was one stack of diamonds as well. I am willing to pay whatever the penalty if my edits can be redone, this mistake has ruined the fun of several people I was building with.
  7. Greetings, I was banned for xraying for clay, which I humbly admit to doing. My friends and I were eager to start on an ambitious project which would require a large amount of clay. I am an adult with responsibilities and decided to xray for clay deposits in order to speed things up. I know this was wrong, and I did not intend any harm - I just really wanted this project to get going. If you would be so kind as to remove my ban, I promise to abide by all server rules from hence forth. Thank you for your consideration, - dontera
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