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  1. Well I was recently unbanned and it looks like my stuff was rolled back at least a few weeks before I had been banned. I don't know if this is standard policy or what, but it seems a bit overkill to me. Myself and 32ndFlava were building a mountain (from Skyrim) and we had built the stairs and the area on the top, Anyways, now that is all gone, I can understand why it might be done and all, but i was wondering if perhaps it could be fixed or something? Thanks --Electricblock
  2. I was banned for xray 12-2-2013 (see: this)
  3. I was banned for xray-ing. I'll admit I did it. I got greedy. It was definitely a mistake. As best as I can remember, I got 63 diamonds and about 8 iron and about 40 coal from xray. I only wanted the diamonds to fight the doppelgangers, and I should have just found them legitimately. Thank you for considering my appeal, --ElectricBlock
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