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Posts posted by Hawkeyezd

  1. At least the default is not something as abhorrent as Comic Sans. A simple sans-serif font work well with most OSs and users. Comic Sans just makes people's eyes bleed.


    Messed up my post a bit, but removed Comic Sans ;)

  2. Dem comic sans.

    But yeah, best thing to do is claim your land, then go out into the middle of nowhere, set up a chest and gather some starting supplies. Best to avoid the general chaos that goes around close to spawn. Once shit settles down it's easier to go and work on levelling land/building/what the fuck ever.

    Dat reply...

    I hate the default font >.< no offence to who chose it >:/

    Thanks for the great replies! Really helped me out :). Now looking forward to tomorrow rather than being intimidated tehe :)

  3. Hello there,

    I'm currently looking into restarting on the NerdNU Survival server. I slightly played on it for a bit but left because the lag got to much for me (not blaming Nerd! My internet is awful! Had it upgraded though :biggrin:

    I know about the new revision starting this weekend- thanks Tharine! It's great to see new revisions told to players in good advance. I tried another similar server to Nerd.Nu (in the sense that it is Vanilla) but it really didn't keep the standards very high. I've been looking for a place where I can just relax and play proper Minecraft, so I chose nerdnu hehe :P
    I am looking for some advice for newbies about what happens with the new revisions. I plan on getting into the thick of things as soon as I wake up (UK time) and get back from my paper round that morning. I played PvE a bit last revisions series, and that seemed to pack like mad, but it took me a good 3/4 weeks to start on S. I know PvPTimer is being added a few days into the revision to make the first few days extra chaos-ey. Sounds good fun :) Should I look into anything else before Saturday turns around? Is it really mad when everyone logs in... :P

    Thank you! Anything you can tell me about it is very much appreciated!

  4. Hey people of RedditMC,

    Today I made a YouTube advert of Creative. It's not brilliant, but hopefully it will boost advertising a bit. I was interrupted by aVo fanboys throughout it, but I got a bit done.

    Music is still rendering, 09:30AM GMT

    Thanks ;)

    P.S Make sure you like and comment on it, so it gets more popular and helps the server :D

  5. I will do some recording helping people on C tomorrow when I get back (1-2 GMT if you are wandering...) if that helps. Hopefully the helping idea shows off the kind community ;)

    I use Fraps(paid, legal edition) and movie maker (yeah I'm a cheapskate :P)

  6. Perhaps a survival games, and try and get a YouTubers to join with the charity appeal. The idea about doing it for charity is OUTSTANDING!

    Also, maybe try and set the record for the most players on a minecraft hunger games map playing at once. Shut down S, P and C temporarily, and host a larger server on the dedi so we can handle it?

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