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  1. So now it is the 31st. I was kindly asked to reply back here on this date. Here I am...I have read the rules again and do understand them. While reading the rules, I continued down the page and saw the proceedure for banning. It seems to indicate that unless the server is very busy or the perp is doing something that could be bad for the server, then the perp will be notified prior to ban. You mentioned my other notes and I went and looked and they are all older than my last ban. If they are in-fact older, then they souldnt have any role on your reason for banning. Also, shouldnt I have been warned first? This was my frst offense for homophobia too. Not that, that makes it ok but still.
  2. wow grammer issues. ****So I was in my chest, putting on armor to fight. before it was all on, someone killed me.****
  3. So I was in my chest putting armor on when to fight. Before it was all on someone killed me. I quickly responded with some homophobia. I know its not allowed. And i have read the rules multiple times...it was just a spur of the moment thing there was no thought process at all. I immediately appologized and admited my mistake. I even modreqed myself incase they missed my apology but clearly it was too much. Draykhar I know you dont like me but please dont hold grudges.
  4. Fair enough Tharine. Sorry if I came across as rude. I just couldnt find a rule that gave a definite solution to this issue, so it was pretty shady. Lots of what ifs and buts...but Thanks for your time! Hope there are no hard feelings. -XOXX
  5. Thats the point I tried making to Tharine last night but it didnt seem to work. Hey its not my head i wasnt in the fight I was just stating how i felt. There is a gray area here which makes it tough for me to be completely happy with either outcome. None the less, I do appreciate the opportunity that this server gives in terms of appeals and things like this. Thank you!
  6. Let me explain the situation… Laugh_Addax and xTheHundreds were in a genuine bloodbath when Laugh proceeded to behead the iconic player. Since both were prepared for battle with shining suits of armor and diamond swords the mighty xTheHundreds was decapitated and a head was dropped. In laughs triumphant glory, a thieving Buddy(don’t know his full name), strolled by and stole the head of xTheHundreds from under Laughs feet. Laugh Chased him down but not before Buddy placed the head on xTheHundreds Base just inside the door. A split second after the placement, Laugh killed Buddy and picked up the head that he had rightfully earned and headed back to base. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ There are two reasons that Laugh picked up the Head that he earned: 1: Laugh had just killed the person that the head was of… 2: Laugh witnessed a grief by Buddy(whose claim the head was placed on wasn’t his) so Laugh simply picked up the head to remove the griff so the owner could return to the base as he had left it. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ A few rules I can see come to mind…. Rule number 1: Don’t be a dick This applies because Buddy stole the head that Laugh had just earned. Rule Number 2: Grief baiting This applies because Buddy knew that Laugh wanted the head and would pick it up no matter where it was placed. Rule Number 3: Griefing (placing blocks….on other player’s structures.) This applies because the land that the head was placed on did not belong to Buddy and he had placed it there.
  7. Hey Tharine, Yeah sorry I understand what I did was wrong and I have just completed reading the rules again. I think i have a pretty good grasp as to their meaning. Hopefully this ban can be uplifted in the near future. Thanks! Best, XOXX
  8. Not trying to bump but I have honestly never played on c.nerd.nu....i dont like creative at all. may i ask when this "LWC abuse" took place? I was quite suprised reading this to be frank...Let me know.
  9. Hey Tharine, Im not completely sure what I have done that could be considered LWC abuse. I didnt make any chests or furnaces that would not allow users into a certain area and I figured that was the number one form of LWC abuse. If this is for locking a found, unlocked chest then im sorry. I have done this before. And I do apologize. But that said, Im not completely sure what the ban is for. Best regards, Xoxx
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