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Everything posted by Archiuz

  1. ah I don't see that necesarry, I admit to all said accusations, I just wish for a timely unban or a negotiated sentence.
  2. I was banned for calling [player A] a pussy, twice. I was fairly warned and while I deserve this punishment, I don't deserve to stay banned. It was not a serious offense, and I hope to be unbanned. I agree to the rules and will not break them again*
  3. I was banned for making incestual jokes, and I have reread and reagreed to follows nerds rules. I was told I could reappeal on/after Jan 14.
  4. Ok. This is a ridiculously biased report. A. I admitted to all offences, and these were already discussed. There was no need to post these logs as well as my pm's publicly, especially after the ban was in place. B. I will say it again, it is NOT spawn camping when they hit you back. ie I kill player_1. player_1 respawns and starts whacking me with his fist. player_1 slain by archiuz. S on and so forth. 90% of the time, if they don't hit back, nor do I. C. While I appreciate you "handing" this over to another head, this report is still biased. "My final point is that I did not just look at your side of the conversation." D. I have had an issue on nerd, with MAYBE 1 other person, depending on how Roast wants to think of it. Other than that Player A is the only person I have had an issue with. As I understand, Player A has also had issues with other people. E. While player A has maybe not done anything specifically on nerd, he has attempted to harass me in other way. Most of this is on my word, but I havn't lied yet, and a few mods have already backed my claim. Player A has used the nerd mumble on an alt in order to get sensitive information about me, and then use it to try to get me banned, on a dofferent server. (verified) Player A has tried to rub this in ingame and remind me of my "ban" Player A has blared music in our channel, cursed at us in mumble, and while their may or may not be direct evidence of this, but as I have not lied yet, I see no reason to not believe this. There has DEFINETLY been a 2 sided conflict. F. Even after all this, the ban has already been put in place and the continuation of the arguement is dumb. This is not a ban arguement forum, as I understood, this is an appeal. I believed I appealed correctly and would like a response to that, rather than for the reason in which I am banned. Thanks!
  5. So I was banned on the night of 12/23/13 for making incestual jokes about {REDACTED} sister. I take full responsibility for publicly humiliating {REDACTED}. I understand that I was wanred by an admin about doing so and bring up the incestual sister jokes and creating trouble for the admins. I am sure this breaks one of nerds rules and will reread and reagree to not break them again.
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