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Posts posted by AC130

  1. Survival will come back if you hit up monrozabaleta, shanty_sniper, IDANUB, TheKingDuff, kyle_yardley, gaambo, Alissa_S, Isaiah_S, Emery, Gsand, unce, Randomdoor, BCB, istorm9, lazee boy, djt, tornadohorse, malvagio, dickflyr, Tharine, beastbruiser, nyislanders123, BraydenH, Ozomahtill, Mrgauthier, Smdavis, Gizzletinks, Avadakedavra, Maltom, nickeynickey123, Pootersaurus, drjohn123, ScaryBilbo, Abiuv, Forzaire, and Solarus, Moderwarfare483, lawjik, the_spammasaur, buchanman, uni0, Archiuz, nos_pumas,pokegeek1234, bhrossman, brianherman, joshuaherman, Texastormenture,whiteturbo, natdog, plomdawg, richedd, dizney07, dementedm0nkey, dando, casey1975 and the beloved pkome. All these players have made Survival for me personally a great experience, although they have probably grown out or are now adults.  Tell them if they want to relive old survival nostalgia. *



    DISCLAIMER*: Most of the people I have listed are banned; so give them another chance pl0x. 


    Hey man, that hurt 

    • Upvote 4
  2.  I've appreciated the feedback given here wholeheartedly, but I honestly wish more people would provide their input on this sort of thing. I took a greater look into this last night, and the buff to strength potions is apparently a result of the Attributes system Mojang brought into place with 1.6. I don't quite understand how this works, but if this is possible to mess with on our end, we can definitely fix it at its root and lower the buff. I'll be asking the tech admins about this, and what the best solution might be (including providing your link, thank you IDANUB), but in the event that a proper solution can't be met within the next week - likely as a result of indecisiveness about the best method of fixing this, rather than not wanting to do so - we'll probably fall to using banning the brewing of strength potions as our backup until that's sorted out. Personally speaking, i'm all for bringing strength back down to its 1.5 status.



    Input I shall give to clarify the situation to you, Tharine.


    What Mojang did for 1.6 that "broke" Vanilla PvP, was that they had both nerfed instant health potions by 33%, and Regeneration by 50%. Additionally, they had changed the crafting recipe for glistering melon, (ingredient needed to get health potions), by making it require 8 golden nuggets instead of 1. It seemed that they wanted to tone down all potions that healed the player, (they also changed the effect from golden apples by adding absorption). However, by doing this, they did not tone down the effect of strength, and instead, buffed it indirectly. What I mean by this is now swords provide information when hovering over them, with stats on how much damage you will be doing. (for diamond swords, +7 damage). This does not mean that the diamond sword does 7 damage, (3 and half hearts) as it did in 1.5, it simply means it adds +7 to the flat unarmed damage of 1 heart, (half a heart). Because of this, strength buffs that extra heart of damage from the fist, meaning that a diamond sword with strength now does more damage then it used to. (Causing people to believe that strength was buffed. 


    As IDANUB has brought up, we do not need to configure with the files that contain the damage formula, or anything remotely difficult as that, all we need to do is to either remove strength completely, and limit enchants to prot 3 sharp 2, OR, have the enchants and potions like the legacy at badlion. (Something like prot 4, sharp 4, strength limited to 1). 



    http://imgur.com/a/6KA6d#0 (Reddit post about sword damage buff)

    http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Sword (In 1.6.2, instead of replacing the barehanded damage 1 (9px-Half_Heart.svg.png) Swords now add their damage onto the barehanded damage, which results in all swords doing 1 (9px-Half_Heart.svg.png) more damage than before.)

    http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Version_history#1.6.1 (Regen, health potion nerf).

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  3. About enchants, removing enchants increases the amount of zerg, and IMO shouldn't happen. However, limiting the enchants to a flat prot 2/sharp 3/ power 3. Would allow players to more easily get gear while still make zerging not as effective. Also make it so splash health potions only available for splash 1, and make health 2's only drinkable.

    (i'll add more when i'm at home cus this wifi at my school is buns)

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  4. I'd really like to hear from prominent PVPers about the lag issue. Has anyone quit the servers, or felt like PVPing was worthless because of lag? I think this issue is often overlooked. Perhaps something can be done, raise more money to upgrade the servers or get different providers?

    Yes. I know personally feel that the PvP isn't as smooth as previous revisions, or on other servers. IDANUB has half-left the server, because of the lag, and i'm sure it has discouraged KOTCT to play, as well.


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