Looking to get unbanned. user thormx55
Reasons I probably got banned:
- wrote "HEIL HITLER"
- Made a giant "phalic" shaped koolaid tap spouting from our koolaid kingdom
- wrote "MODS ARE SATAN" after mods deleted heil hitler
- made a few swasticas here and there
- made another mysteriously phalic shaped figure in the koolaid bathtub
After the last one, a mod pm'd me and told me I would get banned if I broke anymore rules, so I thought to myself "aight, I'll lay low for a bit". Then all of a sudden all my previous work that was deleted by mods (heil hitler, swasticas, mods are satan) appeard on the wall again all at once for no reason. Then I got banned.
It was a night of fun skyping with friends and probably a few too many beers. I would enjoy to continue my creation of the koolaid kingdom.