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  1. i would like to be unbanned i xrayed like a loser.
  2. I dug sand out of a lake thing near the end of the map found a chest came back latter started killing it with an axe cause it was diamond fortified 15 -20 min latter i got banned i guess i started killing an xray catcher trap thing please help
  3. I have read the rules, and i agree to follow the rules from this moment on
  4. its pwnolarbear i use both in different games sorry
  5. Hey I got banned along time ago I xrayed and fun stuff like that but i wanna play on the server again so theres that. Thank you
  6. Hi, I was banned for xray and being 100% honest I dont have xray. Im not sure when I was banned but i shouldnt be banned. If a mod or admin would like to talk to me about it so i can give him or her my plea about it , because i cant really tell you much more than I dont have xray.
  7. No griefing, including but not limited to: Destroying blocks placed by other players. Placing blocks or leaving inappropriate signs on other player’s structures. Flooding structures. Spamming items. Destroying crops without replanting. Note that this rule is not applicable on the chaos server.
  8. I was banned for farm griefing , I was in the process of farming and reseeding someones farm and then i got banned. Im new to the server so i didnt know that was still considered griefing. no worries i just wanna be unbanned
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