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Posts posted by goldieboo

  1. My appeals ban was closed, and I was instructed to respond after April 14th.  My son was found to be griefing on some crops and destructive edits to some blocks he did not place.  We have read the rules again and he knows to be very careful when replanting to get all the blocks replanted and to make sure he does not edit any block he did not place.


    Thank you.

  2. I looked at the notes and the recent notes were for crop griefing and general grief.  I think one problem with the warnings and not responding is that he is instructed to not read/talk on the servers.  I have sat down and read the conversations and so I have told him not to read or engage based on what I read there.  Is there a way for me to look back and see if something was directed at him to avoid this and respond before he gets banned for something?


    I told him the notes were for crop griefing and general grief.  If he has his server correct, he said he took carrots at spawn but replanted.  He knows to replant because on one occasion on pve we had to ask about replanting melons to find out that you don't replant them.  Do the screen shots show him farming a large plot and leaving or is he missing squares?  Also, please let me know what general grief he did so we can talk about it.


    To the subject of him building on someone's land.  I asked him later if someone's else's stuff was there and he said it was empty, approx. 50 blocks from someone else, and no sign.  What did he miss?  I can't go back and look to show him.


    One reason we are on the reddit servers is because it is moderated well and I have told him that he has to be perfect while on them.  Thanks for helping.

  3. Hello.  My son told me that he was in the PVP server and was building a base.  A moderator came to him and told him that the land was already claimed by someone else and to move the build.  He then destroyed his build.  He logged off and then when logged back in he was banned.  Could he have possibly destroyed something that wasn't his?  Or is building on someone else's build considered griefing?


    Please let us know how to proceed.  He knows not to grief so I am wondering exactly what is going on so that he doesn't get banned again.  I don't want to have to sit next to him when he plays on the reddit servers, but I am wondering if I should for the near term to be sure he doesn't break any griefing rule again.

  4. I didn't realize I needed to do it again after March 7th.  Sorry!  We have read your post and the rules.  Players cannot make edits to builds even if there isn't any protection.  I also noticed that you added there were notes sent to him.  For internet safety rules and to stay out of adult type conversation, he is instructed not to talk on the servers unless I am present, so he doesn't read them either.  So he didn't see those notes to him.


    Thank you.

  5. Hi,

    My son was banned, and he is not sure why.  The last two things he did were yesterday he went to the nether and built a small area in the corner.  He mined for materials too but it wasn't protected so he thought it was okay.  It was a portal through spawn.  Just today he was mining in a strip mine that was not protected.  Another person was mining too.  And then you he got logged off.  He thinks the mining could be why since that is when he was logged off.  He saw a sign that said "safeway down" so he thought it was okay.


    Not really sure where to go from here.  Please advise.


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