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Posts posted by Druchii89

  1. My vote is for a larger map (6kx6k?) world painted for the most part... Then have it restricted to 4kx4k and expanded when needed.

    Ore plumping as it is now makes things nice to play on, so i think that should stay too.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Is the grinder blocked off or just the location has not been announced?  I'd like to point out that survival has many private end grinders going on, and they are able to be used by any person who comes across one.


    Location is "hidden" but obvious if you look for it.

    Actual access to the grinder itself is blocked by piston door, and can only be accessed if you have permissions to open a specific chest. (Which only certain members of certain towns do)

  3. But for the sake of keeping things simple, I think we should just focus on end grinders. My personal view is that the end is a limited resource, and so while it's fine to build multiple functional grinders, it's not okay to block them off from global server use.


    This sounds like a reasonable way to handle the situation, with one issue... The amount of mobs available in The End.

    Are there any reliable ways to test just how many "End Grinders" we can have running at once, without impacting the spawnrate of Endermen? If so, we should find the limit, and set a rule relating to that limit, surely?

    This way we have the most available grinders, all publicly open, and several different designs can be used / made.

  4. The vibe i'm getting so far is "We're sorry, but we don't care or agree with you". Which saddens me.

    The rules have been quoted, the grinder appears to break at least 1 of them ("Don't be a dick" is somewhat applying as well, depending on viewpoint).

    Kunoburesu, in the past few days i've heard many complaints that the End Grinder is slow, nothing is spawning, or that in general, it used to be far faster. (I've experienced massive slow downs, while everything else appeared to be working fine... Odd).

    I find it sad that this may well have caused issues, and for Erdt to take some flak for it.

    In general, i think we should do away with private grinders. They cause issues.

    • Upvote 1
  5. The more i think about this, the more i realise that i'm mad about this only because they're restricting an already limited resource.
    Having 2 grinders setup and in use on the End will slow down boths spawnrate. This causes issues, as then each grinder is slower, leading to more wait time.
    If we have more wait time, there are two things that could happen.
    If you're a member of the general public... You wait in the queue longer.
    If you're a member of the private grinder, you run to the other one and check the queue.
    Basically, if one private grinder is created, we end up  with an unequal system when it comes to accessing a finite resource = Mobs.
    Should we really be allowing private grinders at all? I'm not sure - The spawner blocks aren't limited in the same way as the End. 
    Should we really be allowing private End Grinders? Nope.




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