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Member (1/1)



  1. I was banned for Xray from the PVE server. I am abit confused because I was not xraying. I found a long mineshaft that had been opened by another user. I proceeded to mine a stack of +/- 64 iron blocks due to the fact that it was EXPOSED. All of the iron I found was on the surface, so I do not know why im being accused of xray. I did not cheat to obtain the ore I found.
  2. Hello, A very long time ago [+/- 1 year] I was banned for coming onto the server and griefing. I realize now that the decision I made in doing so was an extremely stupid one that I should not have made. This server is by far the best one I have seen within the MC community and I would love to be able to make a return. I apologize for acting in a stupid way by attempting to harm other players within the community. In the year I was gone, I have matured significantly and realized its simply stupid to try damaging other players work. I have also re-read the rules before coming to post this ban appeal. I hope you can forgive me for acting in such an immature and childish way and allow me to come back to the community. Thank you. Water_Flames
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