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Everything posted by 420TST

  1. Me and my friends decided to hop on c.nerd.nu and we decided to build a plane, and this user, ROCKONN griefed our plan over and over, we kept griefing our plane, then, I think he force-opped and got admin and kept banning us. It wasn't cool, can someone tell me how he got op, I think he used the heartbleed exploit and shut down the servers via command prompt, then used mysql injection to insert packets into the items he was using and get op from them. He used a diamondsword and right clicked with : If diamondsword is right ; continue 2 next line. He was probably from team aVo. You need to ban him immediately. He also used a hacked client, I think he was part of a griefing team, I think this griefing team: [Removed] Subcribe please! He also used a type of fly hack, and I'm pretty sure ALL nocheat bypasses those and he ad some bypass, it had something to do with him being admin and him using the forceop. So ban him now! He isn't supposed to be hacking like that and using forceops and using hacked clients. I'm pretty sure team aVo is returning to grief you guys! Watch out they are very hackers and they will get your location and bypass the alternate security prompts and ddos the internaldrive. We need to stop this now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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