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Everything posted by thejellyfish

  1. oh ok does the server have any block recorder if so could i have the log and ill reading your rules. thank you i have saw you rules i know most of them from other servers and yes i will follow the rules
  2. well could i have the date and[i saw you posted the date already] but i want the time of the grief and proof of what i supposedly griefed another thing is i saw the time i was banned
  3. ok thank you for letting me know who has banned me and for the quick response hopefully this can be sorted smoothly :D
  4. hello recently i went on this site i found called fishbans - it is a api that bundles all global ban apis. so i decided to play around with the lookup feature viewed some players to see what they were banned for, in the end i decided to check my profile out to my shock i was banned for the reason - Banned for griefing and hacked client on C; no constructive edits.nerd.nu/appeal this was odd for me so i went to your appeal page as i dont believe i should have a ban my reasons are: i have never join your server - (if so i would like the ip i was logged on ) i have only use a hacked client in single player to know when players are hacking i was not given a date of ban
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