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  1. Thank you for being prompt. I appreciate it a lot.
  2. The ban was issued a long time ago from c.nerd.nu (I think about 3-4 years). At the time, my younger brother and I shared an account since he was so young that my mom didn't want him to have his own. As he was still about 8, he didn't really grasp the ideas of "don't steal," "don't pester others," and even "don't grief," so he got banned. For what it's worth, he now has his own account and is old enough to realize that his action do affect others. While I realize it's still my fault because I have the end all responsibility for my account, it has been so long and I have no other bans on my record that I would like to get this ban lifted so that I can join more Minecraft communities that check previous bans. Thanks for you time, Pod
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