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Everything posted by TexKid

  1. I'm not really sure what I did to get banned. If you tell me what happened then I will speak, but I really don't know what I did.....
  2. Could I at least get a response? Maybe you guys could update me on the situation or something. Sorry it's just really nerve racking that I might never be able to play on that server again. Thanks for reading -TexKid
  3. I'm really sorry for what I did! I've tried to do this ban appeal twice but it hasn't worked. Anyways I regret my actions on the server and am sorry for what I did. I was banned for talking about homophobic things and such. I am truly sorry about that and for not obeying the rules and hope you can please let me play on that wonderful server again. I promise that I will never again go against the rules. Just please give me one last shot and I'll show you that I'm not that bad of a person. I had committed this act back around July but hadn't uploaded an appeal since I was too busy packing for a trip that lasted from July to August 30th. I admit what I did was wrong and hope that you can forgive me. Thanks for reading -TexKid
  4. I am so sorry for what I had said a few months back. I tried doing this ban appeal thing a few months back but I don't think it worked. Anyways I didn't do it again because I had gone on vacation. Anyways I am deeply sorry and regret my actions. What had happened was were just talking about stuff when someone had said something about how they were bisexual and how she would sleep with another women. I went ahead and stated that I am incapable of doing that with another man.... I said if a homo were to ask me something like that I'd scream 'heck no' and run away. Then someone else in the chat started talking about how it's not how natural for a male to be with another male, and I said "that's right but we have too many people already anyways so that's not a problem." From then the talk just sorta stopped and I logged off to go to bed. Once again I am INCREDIBLY sorry for this and I promise it won't happen again! Just please unban me! It would be an honor to be able to play on that amazing server again. I hope you can see how much I want to play on this server because I really do! Thanks for reading. - TexKid
  5. I am truly and dearly sorry for what happened on the server that night. What had happened was we had started talking about sexual views on the server. Sofia had brought up she was bi so me and Livold started talking about how we could never do that.... We said that most gay guys eventually end up changing the way they are and make their voice high pitched and they start acting sassy. Then Livold asked Sofia if they had banned same sex marriage in Aussie, she said yes because of religion and that jazz... We didn't talk about religion at all and ignored it. Though Livold started talking about how same sex marriage is not how nature works. And how every animal has a mother to protect it. I told him true and that with out a mother they can't procreate. I then proceeded to say that it'd be better if our pop. numbers decreased since we have all these people living on a tiny planet. From then it just sorta went silent. I did say that if a gay guy tried to make a move on me I'd probably do something bad to him..... I'm dearly sorry about this. I promise if you unban me it won't happen again. We should've never even touched on the topic of sexual views on the server... Hope you can give me another chance on the server, Thanks.
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