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  1. I looked it up on fishbans.com and didn't want to me being banned an issue if i attempted to apply for staff or something on a server. Anyway that is no longer an issue as i just found out the account is a cracked premium account so please keep it banned and ignore my request because apparently the account is most likely still in use by the previous owner, sorry for the confusion.
  2. Hello, i recently purchased a account under the name of XxPAUxX220 and the first thing i did was Google his username to find out any history on him only to find tons of youtube videos about the profile "hacking" so i watched them, and it was in fact my new account so i was wondering if you could unban my account under the name XxPAUxX220, I would prefer if my good name wasn't tarnished. Thank you for understanding, and have a good day.
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