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Everything posted by crazylizard04

  1. it said "Skull spamming a mining operartion" "beacuse I felt like it" nerd.nu/appeal
  2. Skull spamming is what it said when i was banned *god damn*
  3. yes that is the rule that i broke that is what it said when i was banned
  4. That was my brothers accont and he let me on it
  5. I read every thing on that website now can you plz unban me MasterCommaThe
  6. I didn't see the rules that I broke and the rule that I broke was Skull Spamming and I'M sorry for skull spamming
  7. Plz unban me ill behave I realy like the server so if I can plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz be unban
  8. I ment Wont do it aging but i didnt know the rules so im srry but i was new and it was a joke not spamming
  9. Master I want do it aging I'll behave any ways it was a jock so plz unban me man Ill help biuld and destroy I won't place heads any more I promase
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