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Everything posted by plague006

  1. Pursuant to https://nerd.nu/forums/index.php?/topic/2413-plague006-tompreuss/, my month is served and I'd like to be allowed back onto the server. I have read http://nerd.nu/rules/ and agree to abide by them. Thank you.
  2. I got in touch with my nephew who was using my computer the other day, he told me he was using an X-ray glitch to gather diamonds. So I rescind my ban appeal, it's completely valid: my account, my responsibility regardless of who's at keyboard. I have two requests if possible. The first is knowing how long my ban will be (or if it's permanent) the other request is concerning the automatic furnace I was creating. There are several ways to address this. Varying from simply reverting my changes, completing the build (just 7-8 blocks still need to be placed, or as a worst case: at least just informing the ambrosia mayor so that he is informed I'll be unable to complete the project. Thanks for any assistance, Matthew
  3. Hello, My in-game username is plague006, and I'm not really sure why I was banned from the server. As far as I know I hadn't broken any rules: I read the full rules on the signs in spawn and was building in Ambrosia according to rules. I was in the process of building an automated smelter and tore down the other one, but it was with the permission of sir_didymus (spelling might not be right? mayor of Ambrosia). A list of mods I use: Forge - LexManos and cpw Advanced Genetics - ObsiLP AE2 Tech AddOn - fireball1725 Applied Energistics 2 - AlgorithmX2 Armor Status HUD - bspkrs Aroma1997Core - Aroma1997 Aroma Backup - Aroma1997 Backpack - Eydamos bdlib - bdew Baubles - Azanor BiblioCraft - Nuchaz BiblioWoods[boP] - Nuchaz BiblioWoods[Forestry] - Nuchaz BiblioWoods[Natura] - Nuchaz Biomes O Plenty - TDWP_FTB and Adubbz Blood Magic - WayofTime Botania - Vazkii bspkrsCore - bspkrs Buildcraft - Spacetoad and the Buildcraft Team Carpenter's Blocks - MineShopper Chisel - AUTOMATIC_MAIDEN and pokefenn CodeChickenCore - Chicken Bones CodeChickenLib - Chicken Bones CoFHCore - Team CoFH CoFHLib - Team CoFH Dense Ores - RWTema Enchiridion - Joshiejack EnderIO - CrazyPants Ender Storage - Chicken Bones Equivalent Exchange 3 - Pahimar Extra Utilities - RWTema Forestry - SirSengir and the Forestry Team Forge Multipart - Chicken Bones Gany's End - ganymedes01 and KingPurpleRaptor Gany's Nether - ganymedes01 and KingPurpleRaptor Gendustry - bdew Hopperduct - FyberOptic Inventory Tweaks - Kobata Ironchest - cpw and ProgWML6 Jabba - Professor Mobius JourneyMap Unlimited - techbrew LibSandstone - X3n0ph0b3 and TheMike LunatriusCore - Lunatrius Mantle - SlimeKnights Mariculture - Joshiejack MineFactory Reloaded - skyboy026 Monster Spawn Highlighter - Lunatrius Natura - mDiyo and ProgWML6 NEIaddons - bdew Nether Ores - skyboy026 Not Enough Items - Chicken Bones Painted Stone - mDiyo Pam's HarvestCraft - MatrexsVigil PneumaticCraft - MineMaarten Progressive Automation - Vanhal Random Things - lumien231 RemoteIO - dmillerw Rotateable Blocks - AlgorithmX2 Status Effect HUD - bspkrs Steves Carts 2 - Vswe Steves Factory Manager - Vswe Tinker's Construct - SlimeKnights TiC Tooltips - Squeek TMechworks - SlimeKnights Twilight Forest - Benimatic VeinMiner - Portable Jim Waila - Professor Mobius Witchery - Emoniph Zyins HUD - Zyin005 Additionally, I use the oCd resource pack. If any of the mods I use conflict with the rules, I apologize. I use the mods for single-player and didn't realize if any of those were the issue. I'd be willing to remove any offending mods from my install. Thanks for your time, Matthew
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