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Everything posted by AlphaPlaysMC

  1. I was told to wait to Oct.1st to re appeal because this is when the ban "expires". IGN: AlphaPlaysMC Tromp banned me.
  2. Would you mind provinding a view from where I came from? I can't tell where I came from thus cant tell you why it happened...
  3. Ight, since I didn't find a section explaining how to format this, I'll try my best. IGN: AlphaPlaysMC Date of ban: Sometime during the night ( I was not online at the time ) ( 2014-09-31 nearing the 1st of sept.) Reason: "Xray on pve appeal nerd.nu/appeal As I was not online at the time, I don't know what this is about and would like to be given a chance to explain some things. I can assure all staff members that I do not use xray mods in any way, and can provide plenty of random screenshots on the server where you can see that there is no hacking client on my client. Screenshots ( mainly coords ) : http://imgur.com/a/n8aLe ( Before I get accused of hacks I DO have some mods, but all are PVP/PVE legal: I have full brightness ( I was told it was allowed by a mod ). I have both Armor status HUD and Effect Status HUD with forge/modloader ) ( I know this can't be considered "real" proof, but it's all I have since I dont usually take screenshots randomly, only for marking coords to home and current locations ) For further assurence, I have spent countless hours these past couple of days grinding xp and building and it would be senseless for me to ruin it all by hacking, especially at the begging of the rev. I am open to answer and questions and can explain any evidence that can be put against me. Thank you for your time. - AlphaPlaysMC
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