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Everything posted by damo198

  1. I have agreed to the rules and have read through them. Also I changed my password when I started noticing multiple bans on servers. I was able to appeal on them and am unbanned but it seems I've missed some.
  2. So recently I was on the fishbans website where all of a sudden I looked up my username and apparently I was banned?! I really want to have a clear record so I came onto your website to appeal. The reason this banned most likely happened is due to my account was hacked sometime around 2011-2012. I can't tell you the exact date due to I have a) Forgotten and b) around that time I stopped playing Minecraft as I started finding it boring. I have come to playing it and would really like to become part of some communities but I applied for one and they said I was banned on 2 servers. Please may you unban me. I may play on the server from time to time but would really like to become staff on a server. (Here is the fishbans link: http://fishbans.com/u/damo190 )
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