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Everything posted by DyslexicDuck

  1. I have done that, also. If it is a "new account" on the server, can you do an IP log check to make sure it wasn't someone griefing under a new account?
  2. So I made a base in the sky on S, to stop people from trying to get in. Inside of the base is an Iron Golem farm, Brewing Stations, Enchanting Stations.. People were making towers on the side to get in but I stopped this by putting a glass roof with lava on. There is a rule with no griefing on the server, although with PvP it's a tiny bit different as long as you replace the blocks after 1 hour. This is a bit different. How is this going to be fixed? I am proud of my base, first survival base I have made. Here's the screenshot I took 2 nights ago. - http://imgur.com/vBmgc6E So, I came on the server at 12PM UK time to see this today.. - http://imgur.com/gxEwOMo,4gWfNsg,U04mV6c,dyxIJbE#0 (Includes 4 photos) So yeah, no way into my base, no resources left, CAN'T spawn in my base as my bed is UNDER lava.. How is this going to be fixed and what's going to be done to the person that did this?
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