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Posts posted by AvengerOfThings

  1. Dat reply...

    I hate the default font >.< no offence to who chose it >:/

    Thanks for the great replies! Really helped me out :). Now looking forward to tomorrow rather than being intimidated tehe :)


    At least the default is not something as abhorrent as Comic Sans. A simple sans-serif font work well with most OSs and users. Comic Sans just makes people's eyes bleed.

  2. Great! Thanks for update Totemo! The weekend after the 4th is probably not the best one. Very big time of the summer for us Americans. I know I'll even be doing some vacationing then. Maybe we could look at a weekend closer to the beginning ofAugust. Try to hit the most people before they head off to school for the fall (spring for upside-down people).

  3. Hey everyone! Sorry for such a short notice, but since the map is up now I would like to have a quick meeting tonight on mumble. Some where around 8PM CDT (9 EDT, 6 PDT). We'll just talk about what exactly we need to get up and how we want it to look. I understand that people may not be able to attend because of time zones or short notice. I'll try and record it and get it up here along with all that we've discussed. Also will try to get a board up on the server. Let others know please! See you then!

    • Upvote 1
  4. Alright, so in my quest to find something to do while the staff meeting is going on, I have compiled the list of people who have volunteered to help build the bases and map environment. The current names are as follows:














    I'd like to get moving on the planning and maybe get a meeting setup for all of us, including Steve and slide, to talk about what environment we want. I believe this will be the best way for us to finalize our building ideas. I am willing to head up that meeting and this part of the planning process if people so wish. 


    EDIT: Added Mrloud15.



    People who have volunteered - please feel free to proceed with any tasks you signed up to help with - and recruit other mods/admins to help out!  Perhaps we should try to meet up next weekend to see what we have so far / discuss ideas / gather a big group to work on things?




    I can talk anytime in the American evening this week. Would need a bit more heads up for the weekend, but will be generally open! I do think getting together, possibly on mumble, would be very beneficial.

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