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Posts posted by CometWolf

  1. Almost everytime i apply for a whitelisted server, it gets pointed out that i have some bans on mcbouncer. To be honest i'm getting tired of explaining that it was due to my account getting hacked a long time ago. So i finally figured i'd try and get rid of them, guess you could say im pretty lazy :P. Anyways, this is the last one and i was hoping to just get rid of it really. I've never played on this server, so i don't really know what else to say. It's over 3 and a half years old and just a general annoyance now that i've started to frequent whitelisted servers. The one other ban i had was labeled "ban evasion", which should be evidence enough of the hacking, and was from around the same time. I've sucessfully appealed that one though. So now all i need to get rid of is this one.

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