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Posts posted by trouble1234567

  1. I don't play that much anymore but I have a piece of feedback I'd like to give. I think a large portion of the map should just be complete flatland. My reasoning for this is twofold. Currently a bunch of people need flat areas to build and will therefore bulldoze large areas to make them suit their needs, which causes ruined landscapes. If a bunch of the world was just flat maybe we wouldn't have that problem (potentially).


    Alternately you could tier areas more so they would maybe not be completely flat but could have smaller variations.  

    Also, the current WE/brush-tools allows us to essentially build mountains, oceans, whatever so there is less need for huge terrain.

    P.S. I personally love the worldpainted maps as I've let the mods know, if I was the only person playing the entire map would be covered in glorious terrain, but a bunch of people do not want that. 

    • Upvote 4
  2. I'd like to propose some rules


    §1 No build can exceed 300x300*
             *can be extended to larger areas given evidence of quality and size of build
    Comment: Protected areas are absurdly large and there shouldn't be any need for it apart from very particular builds, builds people should be able to explain to mods. Maybe have provisional larger borders around a 300x300 build and expand it if proves to be good enough/big enough, if not, remove provisional border. I can also foresee issues where you are building in a particular style and need areas to be big due to immersion. Nothing like a giant reddit alien next to your medieval island (not talking from experience at all, totally)


    §2 During new revisions and border expansions no big mountains and or quality landscapes can be flatlanded for 2 (two) weeks. 

    Comment: Letting people flatland is fine, but dramatic landscapes allow people to create spectacular builds and that should be priority over flatlanding which could realistically be done anywhere. 


    §3 Undeveloped modreqs are removed after a month
    Comment: this is already in place but i'd like it to be enforced more aggressively. If you built one hut in an area a month ago, that, to me, is not developing an area. This is less of an issue with smaller areas. 

  3. I have a few suggestions I'd like to add.


    1. Less jungle, I rarely, if ever see any jungle builds. In the cases where we do get jungle there should be more varied jungle, steep mountaineous jungles and things of that nature. Maybe that would make more people want to build there. 

    2. More ocean early in the rev, given the amount of people who want to build boats and stuff I think this would be good. 

    3. The mountains were great this rev, although I want more tempered mountains a la machu pichu (I really want to build machu pichu :D)
    4. Custom biomes! Mangrove biome in particular!

    I'll think of more later, all in all I thought last rev was great!

    • Upvote 1
  4. So, I logged on creative today and someone said something to the effect of the following (paraphrasing):
    "xx is cheating on his husband"
    I replied to this with the following
    "I learned two things from that, xx is cheating and he is gay"
    I felt this was a fairly mundane observation, as "his husband" implies a man has a husband and is therefore gay/homosexual.

    I was then told by an admin to stop talking like that. What ensued was a 20 minute crapstorm about whether or not it was okay to say someone was gay or even use the word. Personally I feel the preposterous fear of using the word is worse than actually using the word as it implies gay is negative and or a slur which I personally don't believe it is. 

    I completely understand banning people and warning people for being homophobic but that is obvious and not what I wish to discuss. 
    The entire debate was absurd but I want to know what the admins think about this


    So admins, are we allowed to use the word gay or is it banned?

    The rule in question:
    "No sexism, racism, homophobia or any type of hate speech."

    • Upvote 3
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