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Posts posted by Lord_Nate

  1. I dislike both factions, but the empire is the best chance against the Thalmor that Tamriel has. That alone puts me firmly into the Imperial camp, nothing else really matters in the long run.

    But isn't the Empire sort of being manipulated and controlled by the Thalmor? If that's the case, then the Imperials would sustain losses regardless of whose side you were on, and trying to get the Thalmor influence out would likely result in yet another civil war. Perhaps the Stormcloak rebellion is better for Skyrim, just not for all of Tamriel.

  2. Considering that I'm pretty sure the population of Skyrim as depicted in the game is roughly a few hundred people, the Stormcloaks would be gone in a few weeks, but apparently there's an entire empire full of soldiers south of Skyrim. This suggests that not only are the Imperials a puppet government to the elves as the story points out, but they're also guilty of gross incompetence on the part of not being able to defeat the Stormcloaks. Therefore, with there being dragons everywhere and bandits hiding in every crevice, cave, shack, and outhouse, I'm pretty sure the Stormcloaks become the only reasonable choice.

  3. Oh good, you brought back DOTA2


    In all seriousness, I think the DOTA 2 channel may get nearly as much or even more use than the TF2 one, though we play in smaller groups and don't have a day after where everyone who played is like "You had to be there man, some crazy shit was happening".


    Perhaps rename the Trouble in Terrorist Town channel to Garry's Mod, because it still works for TTT then, and it has the bonus of also covering the unlikely event anyone wants to play Prophunt (though personally, I'd rather play prop-hunt)?

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