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Posts posted by Waxer

  1. * 1. Accept shrek as your lord and savior. 2. smoke som dank w33d 3. profit. 4. go buy instant ramen from the store- 3. heat water. 4. mix together. 5. enjoy

    * 2. A long time ago. its actually a name from Star Wars the clone wars i used for lego.com when i was like 9 or 10 years old. the name Waxer was not available that is why i chose waxer3659 (it was a suggested name) and later i made my miecraft user called waxer3659 (waxer was already taken... again). lost the password (i was a dumb kid back then) made waxer3659alt and later changed the name to waxer instead of recovering my old user. 

    * 3. ur nan i my sumr gol m8 ;) Jk,  Having fun, going to conventions and having a nice time! 

  2. Hey! Some of you might know me from  Creative! I just made this forum user and i would like to do an AMA! 


    I like Anime, Games, Movies, Books, Creepypasta, cosplay and alot of other things and i love building ships in minecraft, i dont give a shite about politics and sport. 


    Ask Me Anything! 



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