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Posts posted by NotActuallyAuree

  1. To what end are we arguing?  Game balance?  It's hard to argue game balance when I can get a bunch of beacons together and Eff 5 picks, and clear whole chunks out in a less than a minute.  If somebody were so inclined, they could mine the whole mesa in a few weeks.  A town of people could take it to bedrock and clear out all of the gold.  The problem with terrain generated anything is that once it's mined, it's gone.  There's no renewable resources on a size-limited map.  Take, for example, horse armor.  We can't craft it; it only exists as pre-generated loot in chests.  Since there is a finite number of chests, there's a finite number of horse armors, and if somebody collects all of them and tosses them into a lava pool, the rev has no more horse armor period.


    This is an argument over nothing.  There's several mechanics that limit resources, and this is just a way to gather those same limited resources without having to resort to hoping to find an unmined chunk for hours of mindless mining.


    As a matter of balance, though, Totemo, I think we might want to follow suit with what Mojang is doing in 1.11 and severely limit the generation of resources from smelting - I had said one ingot as an output in game chat, only because it will become a very broken manner of obtaining iron.  To address my feelings towards buzzie's concerns:  There's a finite amount of things we can do in the game world within the confines of the server's real-world hardware.  If we had a purely vanilla server with only mob-grief turned off, every town would already have hundreds of iron golem spawning pads and thousands upon thousands of villagers.  To limit that, we went to the spawners, but that really wasn't a solution because we're all just too good at Minecraft.  Look at how broken auto-farming has to be, because if not, we would all be swimming be bedrock to skyheight in emeralds.  The spawners were limited to publicly extend the tech tree, but I'm sure there's been some difficult to quantify load taken off of the server because of that limiting.


    Ultimately, we are severely unbalanced in the middle of the tech tree, but it's still very simple to get to the endgame without much hindrance.  A player can find the 16 necessary diamonds to make the armor they can't buy, buy the enchants necessary to have endgame gear, and then spend a trivial amount of time farming materials to farm the friggin' dragon if they were so inclined.  What's been affected most is rail infrastructure, which is why I was confused in the first place why we were limiting iron since it's such a necessary resource for connecting cities.

  2. Welp, P isn't the place for me anymore obviouly.  Have fun with your TechnoSuperUltraCraft server, maybe when you install the Call of Duty Zombie Level plugin I'll come back.  


    Edit: what the fuck is going on with  this server? Iron is too easy, so let's make a huge fundamental change to minecraft so iron isn't too easy.  Oh, but now gold is too hard?! So let's make another fundamental change to minecraft so gold is easier.  


    Stop taking community polls for this shit. Because every poll seems to boil down to "i'm bored make changes i don't care what changes are made but i'm bored so change something."


    C'mon dny, even the greater Minecraft community at large doesn't quite understand why you can't break down gear back into constituent parts - especially rare stuff like metals.  Let's be honest here:  there's dozens of people who play on P, and we're probably one of the most active mining communities and servers that plays PvE.  We have a few minor plugins that don't affect much of the vanilla minecraft experience, but do make it slightly more interesting, simpler to play considering our short revision times, and easier on the server hardware.  Custom spawners are interesting (e.g. Slime, Witch, etc) and can help with server load (e.g. Iron Golem) from having too many mobs loaded in various chunks at any given time.  EasyRider makes getting a decent horse not an unending, mind numbing, and incredibly resource intensive chore but instead encourages using the horse to explore the map and gives a little bump linearly over time.  Because EasyRider requires the use of gold to give horses more health, instead of breeding 50,000 horses to min/max a decent breeding pair, bumping up the generation only makes sense.  The same is true of iron generation; if we can't use villagers to spawn golems because of server load, and we can't petition/modreq to get more or better spawners this Rev, then iron needed to be plumped.  Making armor smeltable just makes sense even from a vanilla minecraft perspective.


    I think you're blowing this very small plugin change way out of proportion.  This should have been an inclusion into the vanilla basecode of minecraft.

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