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Everything posted by gamepro2204

  1. A few months ago i got banned for an xray texture pack and got told after a month to submit an appeal on/after december 29th. Little late but here is my appeal. Here's the original post: https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/3870-gamepro2204-totemo/#entry31229
  2. No offense or anything just dont want to come off as a lier but it was a texture pack. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s9ZF8NsCwoY Also personally i feel like one month is a bit steep since I didn't directly affect anyone (Not trying to argue just wanted to point that out) Edit: I read the rules and its there plain as day. But ill leave this here because i feel a month is still a bit steep.
  3. To keep it short on pve i couldnt find any ore so i used an xray texture to find some. Sorry and if i get unbanned I definitely wont do it again because im enjoying this server. Thank you for your time
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