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  1. Iron grinders: I think it seems like a great system, anything that reduces lag is good, and while people are annoyed by the extreme lack of value for iron, I think that's great, personally, as before it was just extremely lopsided so that those who could keep an alt idling at a grinder got all the iron. It wasn't scarce enough to be truly valuable - just scarce enough to be a pain in the ass. The nether: Having regular zombies that, when attacked, aggro pigmen is bad. All the glowstone looks nice, but it's almost too nice to harvest, so I don't, but then invetibly somebody with a different opinion will anyway. Also, one guy pretty much took an entire mountain of quartz. Custom flora: I like some of the custom trees a lot. I think the custom birch trees look awesome - and they're so tall they're a real chore to cut down, which is cool. (as long as people don't leave a bunch of floating stumps outside my house) - But there is a big area of really dense trees who's leaves are completely identical and round, and it looks very artificial. If we're going to have custom trees, let's have some variety, too. Also, I don't know if it's possible, but it'd be great if the custom expanded stumps could somehow conform to the landscape better. There's a lot of floating roots out there that get kind of clumpy looking. Portals: I love the portal distribution. I think it's great. Enough to get around, not so many that every big town has to have one, no so many that the only way to get around is in the nether. Ore distributions: I have enough diamond, redstone, and lapis to get by - but not so much that I don't care about finding more. When I see some, I say 'woo, alright' instead of 'blah'. MapWorld: I keep forgetting to go to the mapworld and take advantage of this cool feature... I like it, but, I just forget. Terrain: This was a pretty good terrain. Decent representation of the various biomes. Even if it felt like, at times, entire biomes were claimed from day-1. (looking at you, jungle) Spawn: It was a great spawn, looks really good, I like that it doesn't take up 'tooo' much space, isn't just a big square building. Custom mobs: First time I met mewingtons, I thought he was somebody's pet named zombie let loose on the highway. After burning my iron sword from full to 0 durability, and then whacking at him for 10 more minutes with a bone, I was devestated that he dropped no items, and no bonus XP, I didn't try to fight anymore. Then, I heard about the stick... now, I kill them whenever I can (which even with s5fa2 is still hard) in hopes I'll get the stick. I'd love it if they dropped more loot. If they had a chance of occassionally dropping horse armor or music discs or something else cool and not easily obtained, it would be pretty awesome. /help: How are you guys liking /help instead of rulebooks? Are we missing any sections or useful info? I miss having the rulebook. I don't know why, I just do. All in all, this has been an awesome rev so far.
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