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Posts posted by nxw

  1. On 7/13/2017 at 2:18 PM, schererererer said:

    Big YAS to second overworld appearing mid rev with extreme difficulty/hostility even for people fully kitted out.

    I don't get what's meant by the second overworld thing. Does it mean, literally, a second land (in the air)? Or to wipe the whole server and make a whole new Rev, as in just have a short Rev?

    But I will say that if the Rev has a countdown to unleashing of extreme hostile mobs, I would love that...  :)

  2. Copying this from Reddit. :)  I had originally written out a lot more before I posted to reddit, but I was hyperaware of it being more of a wall of text than any quick direct feedback. So my apologies in advance if it comes off as short shrift. My intent was to try and cut the chaff to help get to the point, but you know what they say about putting a leash on your internal (external?) editor sometimes... 

    Also, my personal play mode is 'derp', I am a creeper magnet, and speaking as one who can find and fall into the smallest and most out-of-the-way-of instadeath holes before being able to find one single diamond in weeks of play, the fact that I would starve in spawn is pretty hilarious to me. I did pat myself on the back for that one. :p

    Nether Portals: 

    * Number and distribution seems okay. Worked out fine for me. :)


    * Nilla was okay but I liked the Nether that had obsidian and stuff? (I just didn't like the psycho mobs (I just wasn't careful, or prepared... you know, any of those things average people tend to do while adventuring, is all)).

    * I walked up on a random Enderman in the Nether. I felt like I should see if he needed directions home. <3

    Map Gen: 

    * Size was good.

    * Biomes were too small.

    * Terrain variation would have worked better for me if the biomes were larger.

    * A lot of variation + small biomes = map feels a bit frenetic.

    * Water:land seems about right. I would not mind if there was a mini-ocean in the midst of the map rather than skirting the edges.

    * IIRC Rev 17 was the best map (and a lot of people continuously said it was their favorite) and 18 had the great riverway/canal system. I think I used boats more than I used rail.


    * I don't mind ore being less easy to find. But it's strange finding diamonds up the Y. I just expect them lower, I guess, because of geological process-y whatnots.

    Spawn & MIsc: 

    * I got so lost and nearly starved trying to get out of spawn. LOL excellent times.

    * There was spawn lag. I wasn't sure what was going on.

    * The unique buildings were weird to me (I didn't get what they were) but they were cool to look at and check out. But I didn't go about looting them. My fault for not paying attention.

    * Memorable moment this rev when I stumbled upon one of the unique multi-spawner underground chamber thingers and got caught unprepared by a dozen zombos. But I got rescued by someone thankfully, because people on this server are the best. <3

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