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  1. I heard have read the rules and thanks for helping me out, it was appreciated! edit: grammar
  2. I'm unsure of who banned me and i feel silly because i just put my name in that spot....sorry post name was fixed by an admin, thank you
  3. Hey, it has been years(?) since i have played on the server, I haven't played since late alpha or early beta i can't exactly remember. I was banned at the time because i was giving off error messages in the log. the server was undergoing a lot of hacker problems at the time so i was banned without an appeal. well that's not true, i had an appeal but it there was no evidence to overturn the assumption that the errors my client was creating was malicious. I know why the error messages were created, back when i played on the server 'F' toggled the fog which basically switched the view ranges. I ran on a bad laptop at the time so if things got too laggy i would spam F because that would unload chunks that were far, and give me a few solid minutes of lag free play on minimum, if it gunked up again i would repeat the process. unfortunately i found out this created errors when i would go back to a server i moderated at, when id hit F multiple times it would send errors. So i'm here over a year later to see if i could have my ban lifted. thanks in advance and sorry for the inconvenience. also i have a newer computer and i shouldn't have any similar issues again.
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