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Everything posted by Greg_TheTurtle

  1. My apologises, seems as it is my fault. Very sorry.
  2. I was banned for indirect PVP on PVE. I am here telling you that I did not do any such thing when in fact, it was Porvil I've been playing on this server for ten years now on multiple accounts (that is because I was young and forgot my passwords for two of my old accounts). I have had a good track record and I have not once done anything of this nature. The incident that the user I mentioned above that triggered this was that I was trying to make a cobble generator and was trying to shift the lava flow somewhere else. Porvil went into my ditch where I was having the lava flow in, along with nickeynickey123, and proceeded to push nickeynickey123 into lava as they were afk. Then, proceeded to push me in as well, and when I escaped, Porvil broke the block beneath us and we both fell into the lava flow, killing us both. I did not push upon any indirect PVP in anyway possible. I was trying to help out the community I was in by making a cobble generator. I realise I could have just moved the lava and mod req'd again but alas here we are. Please, I had no intention of doing any harm nor do I have any intention of doing any harm in the future. I am just a 17 year old trying to get past this troubling times. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, ~Greg_TheTurtle
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