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  1. Reply:CrockODuck Please read my reply troorpm about a Gaming Community called NTG that made a server run on a box that had 32gb but only dedicated only 4 too the server while running 3 other servers A Teamspeak3(1-10 Players a day) A Hexxit(20-70 Players a day) FTB(1-10Players a day) TekkitLite(20-60Players a day) Please do not ask for the IPS they will not be posted. P.S The NTG box runs on i7, what does nerds server box run on? cause then i can understand a bit more why we should stay with vanilla Yeah it does sound like i dont know what im talking about but i do it's just that no one told me the specs of the serverBox Nerd has.
  2. Reply:C45y Yes i do know that ram is not the issue but im pretty sure that old girl of a cpu can handle one more and I know how too make it where we dont have too disable the whole pack we just only have too disable that Block or Item id and i know how too disable explosions for many things and make it where quarrys cant be landmarked too far or only a certain rank can use landmarks this is all possible but we will never know unless if you vote yes for nerd goes lite! :D P.S dont think about the negative think about the positive ;3 P.S Well i kinda know a way im not sure will it even work
  3. Reply too: TrooPrm32 I do understand that it is very resource intensive but i know a server that hosts a Tekkit lite server with only 4GB of ram and 1GB bandwidth on a server box that is hosting a Hexxit server a FTB server and not lag at all im pretty sure we can optifine the ServerSide Pack and staff it is not that hard to learn this stuff even though i can not be staff i can easily show them how to handle the server and trust me the server bassically runs on its own! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I voted yes for Nerd goes Lite did you?
  4. Nerd shall go lite Tekkit Lite that is! Dear: Server Developers / The nerd community I think it is safe to say that the nerd community should grow higher then just regular Minecraft classic, due to regular Minecraft you can achieve all the achievements and build a proper house in under a week but in Tekkit Lite it takes over months too achieve the greatest empire on a Tekkit Lite server. For Example: .You can create a OS For ComputerCraft. .You can make a CC Butler. .You can create a power plant. .An automatic farm. .An official smart House with CC. .A ComputerCraft shop. .A Telporter link to parts of the world. .Impress your friends with your RedPower skills. .Create a CC Email System. .Create a Public/Private ME Storage system. And much much more the expectations of this pack is way more beyond then regular Minecraft You may even learn something and may even gain a couple of new Reddit nerds on the way We will never know unless you the nerd community vote yes for NERD GOES LITE! P.S All bugs are aware and fixable!
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