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This could be literally anything. Too vague. Honestly, if we're really going this far then I'm not even going to bother to try.
Forgive me, I submitted this a almost week and a half ago. Is there anything else I need to do before I am able to be unbanned?
It's after the 18th. I re-read the rules and will follow them. I understand what I did and it will not happen again? Is there anything else I need to do before I am able to be unbanned?
Thank you for the further explanation. I now understand that there was more that went into this, and that is why I was banned after logging off. Please consider my argument above to be withdrawn. I don't consider it unfortunate that you took a few minutes to confirm your information, I think you believe me when I say that if I felt that way I would tell you. On the contrary, taking some time to gather the right information and sort things out is a good thing, and it's one of those things that sets Nerd apart from others. You are dedicated to fairness, and I recognize it and thank you for it. Lastly, if there are so many complaints about a player, it is unhelpful to everyone if the situation is allowed to progress to an advanced state before informing said player. Early communication is important. I feel that this could be an area of improvement. If the player reacts badly, it is on them, not you. If they can't take the advice, they get to write an appeal instead, and it is on them to do it correctly. At this time please accept my apology and I would ask forgiveness for this regrettable situation. Thank you for your time and consideration here in hearing me out and replying. I will re-address matter on 18 Mar 2024.
You said "That's rude, stop." I said what I said about people being fussy (because I was frustrated with the situation), and even admitted to being fussy myself) and then logged off. I actually wasn't even referring to you with that comment, I didn't intend to name-call you or insult you at all. It was a frustrated expression about "some people" without any intention to attach any names to that. The connection log will show that I didn't try to log back on for some hours. So, it seems to me that I actually did what you said to do. I stopped by logging off and staying off. I certainly did not persist or press on, which would have been a mistake. What I don't understand is: If I hadn't logged off, but instead simply stopped talking entirely, would I have still been banned? What if if I had simply stopped talking and just went about building stuff in silence? Would I have been banned? Or would I have been fine? If the answer to that is banned regardless, then why ask me to stop rather than just ban? If the answer is fine, then why was I banned after logging off? That's what I don't get. The terminal sequence of events to me looks like: 1) Me: stupid joke 2) You: That's rude, stop. 3) Me: Fussy people etc. 4) I logged off. 5) At some point after (maybe right after?) I was banned. So it looks like I actually did stop, and on that technical detail that's why I think I shouldn't have been banned after logging off. Unless you had already decided to ban before/at the time you said to stop, but that seems to not make sense. I completely understand the rest of what you said and I hate to hinge any argument on a technical detail like that, but that detail does exist and it seems to be an important one, because the decision to ban should have been as a result of a failure or refusal to stop, which did not happen. You said stop. I did not persist. Please advise.
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I was banned after disengaging and logging off. There was no need for this. I ask that the ban be removed. If there is anything I need to do please let me know, but I did disengage and I logged off on my own, without being told. I tried to log back in, hours later, and found I was banned, which means it happened after I disengaged and logged off. eta: ask this question. If there was such a problem, why wasn't I banned while the conversation was going on? That would have been the sensible thing to do, wouldn't it? But the fact is, I wasn't. But, I did recognize that it was getting out of hand, and so I did the only right thing that I could do in such an instance - that right thing is to disengage and log off. I did that, and I was banned anyway, and after doing so. Maybe this was just a message. If so, received and acknowledged, but I cannot but consider that this is out of accord with regard to past handling of similar instances. eta2: I just reviewed my chat logs and final communication prior to getting banned, I challenge you to read it too. I got banned for calling some unnamed people "fucking fussy" at 01:05:41 and then logging off 59 seconds later, at 01:06:40 . That's bannable here? I guess it is. Well, then, it's a good thing I didn't call them something worse, isn't it? This ban is completely unwarranted, it is ridiculous, and it is absolutely frivolous. The so-called merit upon which it is based is tenuous at best, but is realistically unsupportable. It is an expression of angry emotional outburst on the part of he who brought the action. Please take it off now, because it should never have happened in the first place.
Sorry about the delay! Yes, I have read the rules again and I agree to follow them. Everything else I said in this appeal, stands. Have a good day, thank you !
It's a good thing nobody cares about MC Bouncer anyway and that it doesn't actually matter. I have literally never had anything on there come back on me at all, ever. So, by all means keep your petty note. It's not going to come back on me anyway. I hope that this made your day better somehow. I'm sure you probably deserve that. I am so very sure.
Please see http://www.mcbouncer.com/u/5db89389f4d0427791dc07f430514332/notesFor Pursuant to the notes removal policy paragraph 1 I hereby request that the oldest note be removed forthwith. Thank you.
Can I get credit for time already served?
Forgive me, I have behaved in an unbecoming manner, and have said some things which I now regret. There is some context here but I want to say clearly that I am banned because of me. XeTrain didn't choose to ban me, I made that choice for him by carrying on instead of stopping as he asked. This is my fault. The screw-up is all mine. Context: 1. I make some weird jokes sometimes. In this case, involving socks. There was nothing NSFW, that is not an element here. However another player (hereafter "other player") apparently took it a certain way, which I did not intend or expect. I really did not expect the response I got from the other player, if I thought they would take it that way I want to make it clear that I would have left them well alone. The other player said "don't involve me in your fetish without my consent." I took that very offensively. I do not fetishize anything, am not a deviant in that regard, have never insinuated otherwise. The jokes I was making were about socks and were not sexual in anyway whatsoever, so I have no idea why their mind went to that. To me, it came across as the other player basically calling me a pervert or something. I do not maintain that the other actually meant that. They probably didn't. 2. Not that it's anyone's business, I'm asexual, if you can relate to that then you know that we get treated as weird, or at least I do. Because obviously if somebody doesn't date or have any interest in relationships, there must be something wrong with them. Those people are completely full of it and I know that, and I can deal with being called weird. But sometimes some pretty nasty stuff gets said, and things like "fetish" would fall into that category in this context. I took what the other player said as a nasty thing getting said. Again in retrospect it probably wasn't. That's the background context. Nothing above justifies anything. Everything I did after the above was wrong and I am sorry for that. Appeal: I took something somebody said the wrong way and then I took the conversation in absolutely the wrong direction. I did drop some F bombs. XeTrain really tried to help me here, and I didn't let him. He asked me to stop and I didn't listen. Going off on somebody and making my problem other people's problem was the wrong thing to do and I don't know what to do other than to admit that, make apology as best I can, and ask forgiveness. I could have logged off for a bit and I should have, and I'm sorry I didn't do that. I could have simply not engaged with the other player any further, and I'm sorry I didn't do that either. I don't know if I can temporarily turn off the chat or not. I have no idea. But if that is an option, it is one that I absolutely would use to avoid situations like this. Please advise. It so happens that the other player is also a member of staff, hence the stated reason why I am banned. I did know at the time that the other player was a member of staff. However at the time I was not interacting with them as a member of staff, but merely as another player, but that changes nothing. Let me be very clear, this would have been just as wrong and unacceptable regardless of whether the other player was staff. It should be unacceptable to everyone. I don't defend it. It was wrongdoing. To XeTrain, I appreciate that you tried to help me and I'm sorry I didn't let you. I'm sorry I put you into this position and forced you to take the actions that I made necessary. I ask you to forgive me and I will make effort to not do this again. To the other player, I am sorry and ask forgiveness, and I will make effort to not do this again. To everyone else and the community at large, I'm sorry you had to deal with that and I will make effort to not do that again and I ask you to forgive me if you can. I will also be more mindful of my jokes and will make effort to not press on with them if they aren't funny. I maintain that I do agree to follow the rules and I will continue to make effort to do so. This time I failed and it is 100% on me. I do not expect to be unbanned right away. If I have to sit out for a while, even if it's for the remainder of this rev, well, too bad because that's what I get. I did it to myself and I will deal with it myself. I stand by my admissions and apologies regardless of what is decided. I'm sorry for this and I will make efforts to make better decisions going forward. Thank you for your time.
I would like to appeal a ban for behaving like a complete horse's ass. There is no excuse for this sort of conduct. It is completely unacceptable, and frankly, the moderation team deserves better than to have to deal with this kind of thing at all. In order to ensure that no further incidents occur, I have re-read all of the nerd.nu server rules, AND, I agree to follow them.
The problem is that there was *nothing wrong* with the original discussion. Also, "attempt to encourage a topic change" is not the same as *ordering* a topic change, and it is also not a warning. If you're going to play at administering something as complicated as an online gaming community you should be able to recognize such basic distinctions. Powertrip, powertrip, POWERTRIP. 3 days? Hell. Make it 30. And to be clear. NOT SORRY. I make no apologies here. Yet another powertripping, terrible administrator. Do everyone a favor, spare us, and resign. The first three letters of your name? Apt. Apt! So very, very apt!
Perfunctory appeal to ban for "misusing modreqs". I'm not going to apologize for anything and I don't expect this appeal to be approved—that is fine. Feel free to delete this forum account as well as I don't expect I will be using it ever again. Have a nice day.
Please help me understand why the server(s) need to restart so frequently. The understanding I have is that there is some technical issue at hand, and if the servers are not restarted then we start to get problems, e.g. server lag or slowness, or perhaps the server becomes unstable. I don't know what that issue is. It just seems that there is one, otherwise we wouldn't need to restart nearly so often. It sounds like there is a memory leak somewhere, or perhaps the system is not performing garbage collection correctly, or is not otherwise managing memory correctly, resulting, over time, in an escalating probability of disaster (the Architect is one of my favorite Matrix characters) in the form of unplayable lag, or outright server crashes. We definitely don't want those. But if that's the case, wouldn't the better long-term solution be to identify and fix that problem? Or contact the Bukkit developers, or plugin developers, and work with them to develop a stable solution? Please don't get me wrong. The nerd.nu Minecraft community and game is a lot of fun. I'm really glad you're online and I hope you stay online for a lot of years to come. I just find that the restarts are a little disruptive and immersion-breaking, and I would like to understand what is going on that makes them necessary for the good of everyone — for plainly they are. Understanding really is the answer to a lot of problems, and I think this situation is no different. I definitely do appreciate that you are actively doing something to deal with the issue, regardless of what your solution is. With that in mind, what technical issue(s) do the restarts aim to solve? What are the barriers to a more long-term, stable solution that doesn't require them? Help me understand that. Thank you for all the work that you do to make nerd.nu great, please keep it up!