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About Lilah427

  • Birthday September 3

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    block game

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  1. Just a preface, I was not trying to not write a "real ban appeal". I genuinely did not know how to write and fill out a full reply since I’ve never had to do that before. I can and do recognize that my words were unkind and not in line with the values of nerd's guidelines, and for that, I am sorry. I knew better. I understand that my actions have caused hurt, offended and distressed others, and I do regret the impact that it did have on others. It was wrong. I take this time to reflect on my behavior & actions and learn from this experience. I have re-read through nerd's community’s guidelines to better understand the standards and environment nerd upholds. I will be a quiet part of this community moving forward. My presence in actions and behaviors will cease as a way to show my understanding. I realize there are healthier ways to express such frustrations. I can and will demonstrate my commitment to being a part of nerd from this point on.
  2. Did not realize I had to write more than just the simple request. I also did not realize the the about the cats, I was having difficulty with trying to log on and kept getting disconnected. The only reasoning I can think of is I was trying to pick up the lava from inside the cauldron in the solace storage. I apologize for that - again did not realize, and will replace with cat spawn eggs I am willing and able to get from spawn/fair vendor stands/traders.
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