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  1. Alright, I will stop causing problems once I am unbanned and I am sorry for the issues, However, Please ask the people who warned me what claims, roads, and/or builds I "greifed". Thanks, Djnjd09 IGN he1l0
  2. Alright, So, I was banned for something vague reason and right away you can see I get a vague "Breaking rules multiple times". It would be really helpful if you could tell me what I did as i have been warned several times for different things. This ban note is useless and does not tell me what I did. I have been warned multiple times this rev for breaking/placing blocks in others claim so im guessing thats the reason but again back to my first reason were it would be helpful if you told me what claim I broke/placed a block in! I feel I have been banned for a vague reason and im sorry that I did something that violates the rules and I wont do whatever I did again. -- Djnjd09 IGN: he1l0 P.S. Also note I did check my MCBouncer and it was still the same reason and more vague warnings. EDIT: Sorry for being rude
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