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Posts posted by Povril

  1. Hullo!

    I'd like to be unbanned please. As I said when I messaged you earlier, I'm shocked that this incident has snowballed out of control. Clearly there have been several misunderstandings/misinterpretations. I'll go through the series of events here so that it is clear and can be resolved, however I really must stress how nonsensical it is that this very minor issue has garnered so much time and effort from all sides.

    shanty_sniper and I both turned on PvP (opt in) and were messing around having little fights between ourselves and with others present. After I had killed him (gg), his items were returned after a few minutes of teasing and general fooling around - the kind we always used to do when on the S server. I kept his spyglass as, having not played the game in 5~ years, I had not seen one. After a few minutes I threw this down near the defeated gentleman and ran away. (this fascinating tale should've ended here, twas not even a tale to begin with) The spyglass was not picked up by him, and when I returned to try find it I couldn't remember where it was as it was a large cave.

    He then reported me for stealing his items, and teased me over clanchat talking about various revenges claiming I'd have to rebuild my house according to the town's theme (I was not made aware of one when I joined). I was busy doing other things and thought this was just light-hearted banter, I wasn't paying close attention to what he was saying as I was a little bemused by the way he had reacted to this whole event, therefore did not rise to these (what I thought were) playful threats, brushing them off with comments such as "ooh that'll be noice". A little reverse psychology trick! I remember him saying that he had fixed my build (I assumed he had maybe messed with it a little, then returned it to its original state once it was clear I was not nearby to see these antics), and I later logged off.

    When I logged on the next day and returned to my build, it was covered in lava and torn down. I simply modreqed for it to be fixed as it was griefed (against the rules, don't ya know!) - this is not something I should have to rebuild myself. It didn't really occur to me that this was the work of a mischievous Irishman until a moderator had come to fix this. Again, I approached this situation light-heartedly, with messages poking fun. I thought the moderator remembered shanty and I from our S days and would understand the back and forth that we have, perhaps I needed to be more literal. terribly sorry. I mentioned the banhammer and hoped 'it's justice would be swift and painless' or something to that effect - I had again forgotten the rigidity of the rules, expecting perhaps a telling off. I've never believed in capital punishment. I had received some disgruntled messages from my scorned lover over discord, but they were quite unspecific, I really did think he was still annoyed that I hadn't returned the spyglass, I didn't realise they had been banned. They were acting very strange and I assume they thought my responses were trying to anger them by playing dumb - this is entirely on them, they should know that I am dumb. I even checked on the ban appeal section and typed in shantysniper's name which said they weren't banned, not realising at the time they they used an underscore. So the whole situation was just quite confusing, and I didn't really believe it to be a situation; and if it was then it had be solved once as soon as the griefing had been rolled back.

    Now here I find myself, banned for 'ban baiting', when really what has happened is a series of misunderstandings and perhaps ill-timed sarcastic comments. Please allow me to return, I know my horse will be very lonely without me. 

    Thank you for taking the time to read this,



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