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  1. 1.) I left those communities a while ago and I was a bit younger so I didnt fully understand most of it. 2.) The Hyperborea meme is different from nazi ideology to my understanding. 3.) I haven't touched this server for more than a year, only came back about 2 days ago.
  2. BaconLover07

    Cave List

    To make a long story short, I enjoy building cave bases and colonising worlds. If anyone knows of caves with mineshafts / dungeons in them I'd like it if someone posted coords.
  3. I used to be in that kinda community when I was younger, but I've grown out of it and look back on it with shame.
  4. Hello, I would like to appeal my ban. I was banned for "Repeated Neo-Nazi References", I do not hold such beliefs. I admit some jokes about eating federal agents were a bit in bad taste. But the only instance I can think of for Nazi references was using the term "Gorillion" as a number. I wasn't aware that it referenced politics, I just thought it was a generic large number word people made up like squigillion in the Warhammer 40k community. I'll admit some of my humour was a bit dark, but I personally wouldn't call it Nazi humor. I try to be a friendly member of the community and help others when possible. I don't make jokes in bad faith, but I can see how you could mistake my jokes for being serious if you didn't know me all that well. I hope this finds you well.
  5. Hey sorry I havent been able to get back to you, but yeah I read the rules and I understand them well.
  6. it wasn't different offenses, but the same offense that happened ONCE (I called someone a homo, but I got warned for it and that was that) But the racism and griefing? For griefing, I stole a sign from someone on the first day, which was dealt with, but I dont recall making any racist jokes (But knowing my background I probably did and forgot about it) But I grabbed a beehive from a friends base, then asked him about it, he said no, don't take it, so I threw it back so he could place it down and I wouldn't have a claim on it. Not ONLY did I get warned almost an HOUR after I gave him BACK the bee hive, but I got warned, THEN BANNED for it, banned about 5 minutes after the warn. Im not gonna say Im innocent, but I feel like this is kinda an unjust ban. If you need character witnesses (Is that a thing here?) you can contact darkroot members. I mean no ill will and genuinely like the server. I accidentally posted my appeal in a post I made and not the one the site made, so Im copying it here
  7. Title KINDA misleading, it wasn't different offenses, but the same offense that happened ONCE (I called someone a homo, but I got warned for it and that was that) But the racism and griefing? For griefing, I stole a sign from someone on the first day, which was dealt with, but I dont recall making any racist jokes (But knowing my background I probably did and forgot about it) But I grabbed a beehive from a friends base, then asked him about it, he said no, don't take it, so I threw it back so he could place it down and I wouldn't have a claim on it. Not ONLY did I get warned almost an HOUR after I gave him BACK the bee hive, but I got warned, THEN BANNED for it, banned about 5 minutes after the warn. Im not gonna say Im innocent, but I feel like this is kinda an unjust ban. If you need character witnesses (Is that a thing here?) you can contact darkroot members. I mean no ill will and genuinely like the server.
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