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Posts posted by Fenkhai

  1. To Whom It May Concern,

    When attempting to login a few minutes ago, I was informed that I was banned with the following message:
    Banned: alt of banned player bag1bag2; post an appeal on the forums nerd.nu/appeal

    I do, in fact, know bag1bag2, as he is one of two players (bag1bag2 and DiabloZeSlayer) I inintially introduced to the p.nerd.nu on Friday evening/Saturday morning. They are sons of a friend who were looking for a server to play on.  As I was at their house at the time, all three of us logged in from that location (and thus no doubt our connected IP address show to be the same) and I helped set them up with locations to build.

    I got a phone call from the older DiabloZeSlayer this morning stating that his brother (bag1bag2) was banned for using a banned mod, which isn't my concern, as I understand the rules are there for a reason.  DiabloZeSlayer also informed me that he was then banned after attempting to talk to a mod about why his brother was banned.  While discussing the matter with him, I logged in briefly from my own home and assurred him his house he had set up was still there.  Logging out, I called DiabloZeSlayer to tell him his only option at this point would be to appeal on the forums.  After hanging up with him, I attempted to login again and received the message the aforementioned ban message.

    I am not bag1bag2.  If any records can show my initial start on the Reddit PvE server, it will indicate I have been a  member on the server for some time without any problem-causing.  I do not understand why I have been banned for no provocation, unless it is retaliation for introducing my friends' sons to the server in the first place or a case of mistaken identity.


    Any assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated,



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