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Everything posted by ceegith

  1. Well obviously I was banned, and the game tells me it was for the Nazi flag, which apparently is enough to get you banned. I didn't know this, but hey that's what the sign at spawn are for I guess, next time I should read those, but then again there are just so many and I have an awfully short attention span, but I promise that I'll try real hard not to make the Nazi flag in a completely remote area, hidden in my basement ever again. (ps I'm not a Nazi, I'm actually Jewish, which might actually make it worse, but that's an opinion) (pss Is it just the Nazi flag, or can I not make other flags such as the USSR's hammer and sickle, or Japan's Rising Sun, both who like the Nazis were enemies of the US/Allies, and also committed genocide, The USSR actually killed more people/Jews than the Nazis did by the way.) (psss If it is because of the genocide thing, then am I not allowed to make the Turkish, Russian, American, Australian, or the Union Jack?)
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