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  1. It says all caps, but still does it mean the first letter in each word, and how do i know what order they go in? It says "in sequence" but what does it mean by that? There are two ways to go, so you could find a couple different items in different order... Help...
  2. Quietskillzz

    The 5k Maze

    Hello, I am currently in the 5k tree maze in the reddit PvE server. I have passed the 1st part and am on part 2. I have reached a couple of signs that say, "The first of each, in sequence, will give you the passage to where you seek." Another sign close by says "you should have 5 letters." My first thought was the first letter of the first word of the 5 items i found around part 2. These items are a creeper head, fire, jungle sapling, redstone dust, and a beacon. They were all in item frames except the creeper head. There are 2 dispensers and one furnaces. The furnace is locked with a password which i'm guessing is something to do with the 5 letters and the 5 items. The two dispensers give you one cobblestone and one stick. My guess is that you need to unlock the furnace with the password and cook the cobble with the stick to activate a door. But i don't know the password. If anyone has any idea what the password could be please tell me. Any help would be much appreciated. Quietstkillzz
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