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Posts posted by avo_luver

  1. well yes actually I wasn't really supporting avo as much as I was pretty much saying " I see why avo griefed reddit " ad also I just like their videos I think it's very funny that people get so upset about having their builds destroyed in a computer game and also I wasn't really spamming block as much as I was going to delete the avo letter(s)and the tower was going to be a sky scraper with the words " GTFO AVO" on the top and it being a "business " for anti-grief and it was meant as a joke for said " homophobic slander " but I definitely understand why I would be a punishable offense and the grief was just meant to try to see if it was a locked area so I admit to the grief and I would also like to apologize to all the mods / admins who I freaked out on I know it's gotta be hard to run 3 very large servers so uh thanks for your time and everyone else's and good day / night -- Giblet_00

  2. I wasn't straying for the topic I was being polite and apologizing for not responding and I gave him an explanation and thank you for pointing out the "to no end " for means what do you mean taking it seriously I have been taking it quite seriously I'm just trying to get unbanned from 1 of the very few decent servers that minecraft offers

  3. I was banned for "block spam" ( I'm unaware of what this is so I will not deny or confess to it )"homophobia" (extremely false I'm bisexual -_-) "trolling on all 3 servers" (also false due to the fact that i have never even signed in on the "pve" server and read chat logs) and "avo fanboy" where in the rules does it say you cant like a certain youtube group ie. team avolition so i belive that the person who banned me should be demoted due to admin / mod abuse , Thanks for your time -Giblet_00

    and sorry about the other one I just hate abusive mods / admins

  4. they changed "spam " to "block spam" i was building something and then replying to the signs they kept placing and they were building where i was planning to build something where i had it started and they kept placing blocks so i destroyed them and another thing the "homophobia" is a load of shit since for your information you ass holes im bisexual so go fuck a cactus

  5. I was banned for "spam" (false read chat logs) "homophobia" (also false read chat logs) "trolling on all 3 servers" (also false due to the fact that i have never even signed in on the "pve" server and again read chat logs) and "avo fanboy" where in the rules does it say you cant like a certain youtube group ie. team avolition so i belive that the person who banned me should be demoted due to admin / mod abuse , Thanks for your time -Giblet_00

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