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Everything posted by XGhostGear

  1. Hello, I was banned for X-Raying for one month on April 17th. My ban was lifted on may 17th. In my last post I was very unfriendly and hostile in my response do to personal issues. I apologize for x-raying as i know it was against to the rules as I have been a member for a long time. I was in a weak state of boredom and depression. I apologize to Cyotie911 and anyone else i offended in my "Once great server" remark. I wish to be unbanned as the unbanned date has passed. On a second note I have signed into the nerd servers as the player CZiggy343 today and a couple of days ago. This was not for the reason to get around my ban appeal. as I was already sign in as cziggy343 on single player lan. I had mistakenly forgotten that I needed to make a new appeal to be unbanned as I thought that my ban would have been lifted due to the new Rev. It was until just now when I decided to sign in as xghostgear and it reminded me that i was banned. Once again i apologize for the Hacking and my attitude. Thanks, XGhostGear
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