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Posts posted by PvtSnowball

  1. I am very confused I do not have any fly hacks on my client my client is clean. I do not know how I can prove this I have never had hacks, cheats, or even mods (beside shadder mods). I have been messing with a diamond machine that would glitch out and kick me so that my only explanasion.


  2. Hey I like to add a few things that I do not have direct proof but, a guy that was with me can back me up on. If this about dny modreq about me "griefing" I think it without saying the things that have gone on between use. Frist they personaly attack more than once in rose chat also, they every time I come to rose tell me to "fuck off" and "your not welcome" when I am just walking though to use rails also, they brake my carts, and also,constantly accuse me in rose chat public chat and also private chat of griefing builds of rose with no proof logic. sometimes I not on at the time the greif and killings take place. So with that I just thought that might be consider since they may just want me banned for good casue that all I got from them all the time.

  3. Hello,

    I was recently banned and I do and do not understand why. I relized that Dny was not happy with my greetings but, I ment now ill fate are other ways. Also, I was not aware that I was warned. I know I was warned about personal attack on a player but, that not why I am here. I do not recall ever being warned. Please help me understand .

    Thank You




  4. Ok so while playing on the server today I thought that if when we hit a mob there hearts should be displayed over there heads  for use to see. I have no clue if possible but, thought it would be helpful. Also, for those that say that not vanilla I like to just point out have glow in over not vilnilla and having dopplegangers is the same thing. So my thought was give the heartless, heart for a change.

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  5. OK last thing I have to suggest. This is it for me probably forever to. Frist imbrace ideas not shut them done. Have a thicker skin MOD group not all people will kiss your feet. Next this server caters to a small groups. So if you guys want to get more you have to d uncomfortable uncomfortable are just become another "OH nerd.nu I remember that sever it a shame they have such a small fan base".

    P.S I now a large Youtuber I told about this server he went on once and said that he never come back do to the rudeness of the sever mods and players.

  6. Hello Guys,

    Here is a idea that might help. I now am a massive active player on [Redacted]. I think what they have been doing is something that you guys should do. What they do is they have mini games sever that brings in more than 300 players constantly. Also, they have the survival, pvp, creative and, also something I think would be a good addition skyblocks. As you guys have now found out there is a very small group that plays all 3. When I played on this sever many people interacted with the other  to severs. though the set of the server I am on you are always interacting with the different player wether they are in the sky creative pvp are survival. Now I have said this many times adding mini games will bring in many people and then they will be very curious with the other servers. So that my 2 cents take or leave it.

  7. Frist off I will not apologized.

    I fell I have been wrong done in this ban. I have not been disrupted I have spoke my mine. There is no rule against this. This also all start when I simple said I was quiet gay in getting 3 stack of clay for a go deal. This resulted in Tom banning me for Homopobic slur this as anyone with a brain can figure out is the correct way in saying the word. After that I was pissed as many could image do to a wrongful and simple want to know now that was when I was attack by many players over that and was protecting my honour. After that I was warned a kept quiet. So what I said was simply after all my rage of the past few days.


    PS I want see the rule that was broken

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